Monday, December 14, 2009

FF1WMC on hold?

Yesterday morning, Fired up the PS1. My thought was to pop Final Fantasy Origins in and see what I could do to progress in my white mage challenge. Sadly, after attempting to get it to read several times already, It would not. I'm not sure if the laser is even moving, let alone if its picking up any info on the disk. After thinking about that, I decided to check if it's even reading. So I decided to take another game of mine: Digimon World. Shortly after poping the disk in, Sure enough, it was picking up data, as it came up with "Please insert Playstation format disk". This was the outcome I expected (and hoped), as my PS1 doesn't read that game for some reason. I can play it on my buddy's PS2, but it doesn't work 100%.
So here's the deal: This challenge is temporarily on hold until I can figure out what's wrong and get it working again. This may not mean too much to you readers, unless you were waiting for the latest on my progress here, especially since I have not updated on my progress in a while.
I have other challenges though that I've been planning for when I have finished this one. Do you think I should just jump to the challenge I was planning on next?

Until I figure out what to do, You can check out my Youtube Channel

1 comment:

  1. Michel "Gin" Widell.December 14, 2009 at 8:03 AM

    Oh man, that's not Wohooo exactly, hmmm is there no Zelda Challenges that comes to mind if you wanna spare time on that while figuring out the errors of either your PS1 or Origins Disc?
